11 Jan 2023

EPoS System Configuration - Why is it so important?

EPoS System Configuration - Why is it so important?

If you’re a new business just trying to get off the ground, an off the shelf un-configured solution can sometimes seem to make the most sense as they often appear to be cheaper.

full configuration of your systemHowever, if time is precious and your business makes many demands on it, leaving the full configuration of your system to NWBM means although initially your outlay may appear more expensive, the time you save and the ease of use and extra functionality you gain will pay dividends in the long term.

You should also keep in mind that lots of EPoS suppliers who offer off the shelf solutions sell the same systems to many different businesses. For example, a corner shop probably has vastly different needs to a large garden centre with cafe and therefore an off the shelf solution often fails to meet individual business requirements. It also often means you may purchase an EPoS system that you not only have to configure yourself but one that will never fully suit your needs.

All NWBM systems can be customisedAll NWBM systems can be customised to your exact requirements, which is a much better option than an off-the shelf solution that you have to program yourself. This option whilst cheaper is not an easy undertaking it can often mean hours of your time spent typing in products and prices, setting up screens, linking groups and happy hours or promotions and that’s just for starters. You also need to consider stock, loyalty and customer accounts. When NWBM configure your system we take time to understand your operation and in addition to programming the obvious products and prices we configure additional functionality that gives you maximum benefits from your new system, turning a good system into a great system.

What do you get with an off the shelf EPoS solution?

The system is setup with a very basic configuration before being sent out for installation for you to do yourself.

The basic setup usually includes:

* Installation of the Software

* Setup of User Account

* Base Program Installed

The setup will not include:

* Entering of any products and prices

* Importing of products and prices

* Setting up of groupings

* Setting up of Price Levels and Promotions

* Setting up of Condiment groups

* Setting up of special instructions

* Setting up of Stock

* Setting up of Recipes

* Configuration of Screens

* Setting up printer configuration

* Setting up advanced configurations or integrations

So what does a bespoke configured EPoS solution from NWBM get you?

A bespoke EPoS system from NWBM is setup with full configuration before being delivered by our engineers and installed for you along with any printers, cash drawers, chip and pin terminals etc.

NWBM full configuration setup includes:

* Installation of the EPoS Software

* Setup of User Account

* Menu Programming

* Entering of products and prices

* Importing of products and prices

* Setting up of groupings

* Setting up of Price Levels and Promotions

* Setting up of Condiment groups

* Setting up of special instructions

* Setting up of Stock

* Setting up of Recipes

* Configuration of Screens

* Setting up printer configuration

* Setting up Loyalty

* Setting up advanced configurations and integrations

If you choose NWBM to not only supply your solution but also to configure it for you, your system will be delivered, installed and ready to use immediately. You will also have the opportunity to meet with our programmers and check our progress to ensure you are happy with your system, before it is installed. So, in comparison a fully configured bespoke solution from NWBM will be programmed by our engineers to suit your exact requirements.

So if your time is precious and your business makes many and varied demands on it, purchasing a system with full configuration means time saved, ease of use, extra functionality and a much slicker solution. Configuration by our experts pays dividends in the long term.